
Angela is a registered Healer, and a professional therapist with many years experience in areas ranging from Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Remedial and Holistic massage, as well as being a Counsellor and Sophrologist.

She runs successful therapy centres and seminars worldwide, and works actively to promote the understanding of health in mind, body and spirit.

If you would like to discuss my work and how I can help you, Contact Me.

Love, Light & Blessings


The Give of Life

Home Healing The Give of Life Life is all infusing, all sustaining; all encompassing in its oneness. It is limitless and infinite. This is a fact that is realised by all in whom consciousness is awakened and have the touch/the glow of life. Yet the Laws of life are exact and undeviating as is the...

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Angela’s Healing Thoughts

Home Healing Angela’s Healing Thoughts God is part of us and we part of God, we belong to the same force of unconditional light and love. It’s just that Gods energy is the source, and we flow from that source. In order to do that and be at one with the divine source, we need...

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Crystal Healing

Home Healing Crystal Healing For thousands of years healers and shamans have used crystals in their healing therapy techniques, and I would like to share with you the benefits of some crystal energies. These are some of the crystals I use in my crystal healing sessions, and their uses. Simply going through in alphabetical order:...

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